Monstera deliciosa


A great plant for beginners, the monster is commonly known as a ‘cheese plant’ as the leaves when mature develop holes akin to Swiss cheese. The Monstera can be a bit of monster – it will grow rather large over time so to encourage upwards rather than outwards growth, poles or coir sticks will help train growth. A great statement piece in your living room, you can also cut leaves to keep it in check and display them in vases.

     Water & Humidity: Let top of potting mix dry out between watering. Mist from time to time to keep leaves from browning at the edges.

     Light: Filtered sun / light shade / shade.

      Tip: Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to ensure they are free of dust. When larger they will require a support or pole. If new leaves on a mature plant aren’t producing holes in their leaves the plant is unhappy and you may need to repot.

     Recommended Placement: Because the cheese plant can get quite large it’s best placed in a living room at least a metre away from a window so it doesn’t scorch.


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